Need A Pick-Me-Up? This Oughta Do The Trick.

What started out as a long day or two on the Internet feels like it has turned into a long couple of months. So I was thrilled to find this video of six thousand kids all singing the chorus to They Might Be Giants' legendary "Birdhouse In Your Soul" at the same time.

FULL DISCLOSURE: I'm a huge TMBG fan. I don't quite know why, but they fit into a perfect Random/Funny/Sarcastic-Yet-Oddly-Sincere/Science-y space in my life. It's almost exactly the same space as that filled by Strong Bad and, so the fact that TMBG and The Brothers Chap found their way to one another is about as unsurprising (and pleasing) as anything ever. Kind of like this video.

There's a picture opposite me
Of my primitive ancestry
Which stood on rocky shores
And kept the beaches shipwreck-free
Though I respect that a lot
I'd be fired if that were my job
After killing Jason off
And countless screaming Argonauts
Attribution(s): "Bluebird Nightlight" comes from blue_j via (CC BY-NC).