Old Music In (Or Is That "On?") New Instrumental Wineskins

I strongly suspect I've written about my appreciation for Baroque keyboard music performed on the piano (rather than on the more historically-accurate harpsichord) in the past. In fact, I'm sure of it, since I really only have about 5-7 topics in my head at a time (or ever). But I was reminded of that appreciation recently when a good friend sent me a link to Mikhail Pletnev's vibrant piano performances of some Scarlatti sonati. Here you go. (Or is that "hear?")

But because I'm a fair-minded man (on fairly rare occasions), I'll share a harpsichord version, as well. Performed by one of my all-time favorites, Trevor Pinnock.

Only got time for one sonata? Make it this one: the Sonata in B Minor, K. 27.

Attribution(s): "Scarlatti, Tartini, Martini, Locatelli, Lanzetti, and Cat" (source) is public domain via Wikipedia.