This motet -- "Ingrediente Domino" -- is from a responsory traditionally used during processions into the church on Palm Sunday, but I missed that (narrowish) window. Still sharing it, though, because it's great. Also, I hunted around but could not discover the author of this setting, but that does not lessen its appropriateness (or quality) one little bit. (Playlist.)
Ingrediente Domino in sanctam civitatem,
Hebraeorum pueri resurrectionem vitae pronuntiantes,
Cum ramis palmarum:
Hosanna, clamabant, in excelsis.
As the Lord entered the holy city,
The Hebrew children hailed the Resurrection of Life
With palm branches
Crying "Hosanna in the highest!"
Attribution(s): "Bell Tower" (source) via CC BY-SA 4.0.